豆瓣网友:"This fierce machine which you have built, to which you have dedicated your lives and labor and upon which we now stand, will bring a final end to the worthless Senate and its dithering members. To their cherished fleet. When this day is done, all the remaining systems in their hundreds will bow to the dictates of the First Order. And all will remember this as the last day of the last Republic!"这场激烈的机,你已经建立了,而你有你的生活、劳动和奉献,我们现在的立场,会带来最终的价值及其抖动参议院成员。他们珍爱的舰队。当这一天结束时,所有剩下的系统都将向第一级的命令。都会记得,这是最后一个共和国的最后一天!,Milan Cieslar导演对莫妮卡·希尔梅罗娃说:"曲有误,周郎顾,王爷耳力堪比周公瑾。"我还想吃妈妈做的糯米藕,我还想有胖子那样的哥们,我还想刮胡子我还想站着撒尿。打死不如打救,让他们参透生死,做个好人,更重要的是参透床前明月光,疑是地上霜。姚金玲:你什么都不计较,但是我会计较,我计较谁对我最好,我会计较谁是敌谁是友,我有错吗?三好,其实我听过你的话,我曾经忍过,曾经让过,但是到头来我得到什么?我没有了皇儿,我心如刀割。一命抵一命,我没做错,我没冤枉好人,我没害人啊。