豆瓣网友:He slept a summer by my side. He filled my days with endless wonder. He took my childhood in his stride, but he was gone when autumn came. And still I dream hell come to me, that we will live the years together. But there are dreams that can not be. And there are storms we can not weather.他睡在我身边一个夏天。他给我带来无穷惊喜。他随手摘去了我的童年,当秋天到来,他却消失不见。我仍然梦想他会回到我身边,我们还能相守一生。但总有些梦无法成真。总有些风暴会把人摧毁。,导演对西尔维娅·迪奥尼西奥说:"这个这个求职应聘吧不叫求职应聘叫找饭辙!"做好事可以不留名,上微博却要留实名,可见上微博不是什么好事。乘着风游荡在蓝天边,一片云掉落在我面前,捏成你的形状,随风跟着我,一口一口吃掉忧愁。《星晴》彭佳禾:吃的是这边!这边!陆远:你优雅一点,别让人看着给你抓起来再,你瞅你没出息样儿,你捡点值钱的吃,那边那个西班牙火腿,先吃肉。彭佳禾:这好吃!这好吃!陆远:你有点儿人样行吗!兜撑开,嘴里吃着呀!