豆瓣网友:因为我的父母迫使我向深处里观察,我有幸看到所有的微小事务是如何最终聚集在一起最终形成产物的,所以我从来不问为什么这样,为什么那样,我知道为什么,这样并不能让我高兴,很多时候倒让我觉得很难过,但是我总是勇于接受,我总是勇于接受事实,我知道我总想离开我的环境。Because I was turned so inward by mom and dad, I got chance to see how all the little tiny things come together to make the final product .So I was never inclined to wonder why this or why that. I knew why. not that I was happy about it, in fact I was really sad about it, some of the time. but I was very excepting, I was very excepting. I just always knew that I need to get out.,导演对说:"现在这些都不重要、我们要做的就是继续前进继续战斗。"昨天今天明天,有什么差别?没什么差别,可至少还有我呀。我才不要回头,宫里的夜,这么冷,这么长,每一秒怎么熬过来的,我都不敢想!(安陵容)亲爱的同学们!亲爱的少先队员们!大家节日好!尊敬的各位领导、各位来宾。亲爱的叔叔、阿姨们。欢迎你们的到来。欢迎你们和我们一起渡过这美好的节日!